How to Figure out if Your Appliance is still under Warranty

Being a homeowner has its perks until your appliance fails you and the landlord has to act quickly! When you call Ortega’s Appliance, one of our technicians will ask you if your appliance is still covered under warranty.

Please note, if you attempt to repair your appliance yourself while your appliance is still under warranty, you may void whatever coverage you have remaining. This means if the equipment breaks down again, you won’t be able to apply the appliance warranty to help cover the repair cost in the future.

Don’t wait until your appliance fails to figure out your warranty guidelines and timeframe. 

Check Your Receipts and User Manual
Most all new appliances offer a 1-year manufacturer’s warranty, so if it’s been less than 365 days than you are most likely still covered. Also, if your appliance breaks down within the first 30 days of purchase, the shop you purchased it from might accept an exchange or return. Be certain to save your receipt and user manual for any extended warranties. Call to inquire about the store’s return policy to confirm the warranty if you have any concerns.

Check the Manufacturer’s Website
If you’ve thrown out or misplaced your receipts for your appliance purchase, the manufacturer’s website is the next best place to check. Here, you can verify the length of the limited warranty and discover extended warranty coverage. You can also find the support telephone number to directly contact the manufacturer with any questions. 

Contact the Retailer
To retrieve specific details about your transaction, try contacting the retailer directly. You can also request about any customer rewards programs you might be a part of that provide an extended warranty or return period.

Schedule Your Appliance Repair Today
No matter the warranty coverage, we need our appliances to run our household. Don’t try to fix your appliance on your own. Leave the tough job to an Ortega’s expert. This will prevent voiding an active warranty. We give you your time and comfort back knowing that we will get things done right the first time.

To schedule your appliance repair in Santa Fe or Albuquerque, please contact Ortega’s Appliance at (505) 884-9177 today.


  1. Navigating appliance warranties can feel overwhelming, but your tips are super helpful! Remember to keep receipts and manuals handy, and set reminders to check for issues before they escalate. When you need appliance repair, it's best to leave it to the experts. Thanks for the great advice!


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